More Than Just HDD

Vector Magnetics was founded shortly after the development of the Wellspot active ranging tool which revolutionized relief well drilling in 1980. Since then we have developed a reputation as the wellbore placement experts. With experience in both active and passive magnetic ranging techniques, our engineers have executed more successful well intersects than any other company in the industry. Today we continue to provide precision wellbore locating with the Rotating Magnet Ranging Service, the industry standard at-bit long distance ranging tool. Our Casing Magnetization Service offers a cost-effective solution for increasing the detectable range of down-hole casing via passive-magnetic methods.

For projects where the solution is not straightforward, we can provide a custom engineered solution – including the development of entirely new tools and techniques when the challenges of the project require it.


Vector Magnetics’ Rotating Magnet Ranging System (RMRS) is the industry standard at-bit, long-distance magnetic ranging tool. It provides the most accurate wellbore locating method in the industry, allowing for millimeter accurate intentional intersections and precision wellbore placement in any orientation – horizontal to vertical and everything in-between. The RMRS revolutionized the active magnetic ranging tool market and continues to lead the industry today. Compatible with any drilling configuration with minimal impact on directional control and equipment.

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Casing Magnetization

Vector Magnetics’ Casing Magnetization Service is a cost-effective solution for increasing the detectable range of down-hole casing via passive magnetic methods. Whether as a contingency against a shallow blow-out, to allow detection in extended salt formations where Active Ranging methods are ineffective, or to aid in well avoidance in densely spaced fields, Casing Magnetization provides an additional margin of safety at little cost and zero risk to the wellbore.

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Custom Engineering Solutions

With decades of experience in the magnetic ranging business, Vector Magnetics is uniquely positioned to design a solution to fit your needs. Our staff of scientists and engineers are known throughout the industry as the leading experts in precision wellbore location and placement. We are here to help design, implement and complete your project in a timely, cost-effective manner.

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